2024 Homecoming Button

White Short Sleeve T-Shirt

Black Short Sleeve T-Shirt

Black Long Sleeve T-Shirt
Homecoming Merchandise
Watch this space for updated merchandise information in Fall 2025.
Football Game Merchandise Sales
The Homecoming Council will be selling merchandise before all home football games, up to and including the Homecoming game.
Payments for Merchandise
The Homecoming Council is a Sponsored Student Organization through the University of Iowa. As such, we are not allowed to take online/cash-free payments such as Venmo, CashApp, Apple Pay, Zelle, etc. due to student organization banking limitations. We are a cash-only operation during football merchandise sales. Please contact the Director of Sales & Merchandise with any questions.
Homecoming Tent
We have a permanent tent setup on the northwest corner of Hawkins & Melrose (southeast side of Kinnick Stadium). Please click here to see our location on a map.
At the tent, we will have all current merchandise, including buttons and shirts. We will also carry a limited supply of previous years buttons.
Mobile Council Sales
During pre-game tailgating hours, members of the Homecoming Council will be walking through all areas around campus selling Homecoming buttons only. Limited cash is available on-hand to make change, so please bring singles if you can!
Bulk merchandise order
If your organization would like order merchandise in bulk (5+ shirts and/or buttons), you can start an order by filling out this form.

Button Archive
Browse previous Homecoming buttons in our virtual archive.